TopLay Pumpkin French Toast


Group 526

Serves 2

Group 524

Difficulty: Easy

Group 525

Prep time: 20 min

2 large TopLay eggs
90 ml milk
1/4 cup pumpkin (cooked and mashed)
1 tbs sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp mixed spice
1 tsp vanilla essence
1/2 tsp salt
4 slices of bread
oil for frying


TopLay Pumpkin French Toast
  1. In a shallow dish, whisk together the eggs, milk, pumpkin, sugar, vanilla and spices. Set aside.
  2. Heat oil in a pan over a medium heat.
  3. Dip your bread into the egg mixture, making sure that both sides are covered.
  4. Fry the bread in the pan flipping it occasionally. Check that it doesn’t burn.
  5. Once your toast is golden on both sides and cooked in the centre, it’s ready to enjoy.