An ideal breakfast for kids would fill them up until lunch and provide protein to give them the energy to start the day off right. Eggs are a nutritionally sound choice. Eggs contain many nutrients, making them a sensible food to add to a child’s diet at any time of the day. In addition, eggs are inexpensive, convenient and easy to chew and digest.

Satiety is the feeling of fullness, eggs have a high satiety effect, which means that they are a food that will make a child (or adult) feel full. In a study, researchers wanted to find out which of the following breakfasts was more filling: a bagel, cream cheese and yoghurt, or two eggs, toast and jam. They found that the people who ate the egg breakfast felt fuller after breakfast and stayed full longer than the group that ate the bagel breakfast. The first meal of the day is crucial for a child. If students eat eggs they will be fuller for longer. They won’t have hunger pangs while they’re trying to learn and they may not even eat as much for lunch.

The first years of your baby’s life are the most important.  It is the time to encourage good nutrition and healthy eating habits. During this time, your baby will grow rapidly with their foods changing constantly.

Egg yolk is a nutrient that can be added to your baby’s diet at the same time as meat purees and other meat alternatives. Egg whites can be added later when your baby is one year of age. Important to remember is to cook the egg yolks well as your baby’s immune system is still developing at that stage.
