Egg Cactus Craft

Egg-citing eggshell crafts to keep the kids busy during the holidays!


  • 3 Eggs
  • Craft Paint
  • Paint Brush
  • Permanent Marker
  • Small Craft Flowers
  • Ceramic Pot


  • Make a small hole at the top of the egg. Empty the contents, wash out the inside and let it dry.
  • Paint an assortment of eggs with acrylic paint; we used two shades of green, light and medium.
  • Once the eggs are painted and completely dry, use the permanent marker to draw “X”, “/”, and “V” shaped patterns on the painted eggs.
  • Add the craft flowers on top of the egg-cactus. We created our own craft flowers by painting small circular shapes (of paper?) pink and scrunching them together to form a flower.
  • Place egg-cacti in ceramic pot and arrange stones to keep the cactus-crafts in place.
